torsdag 13 december 2007

Look who´s talking

Alice. Well not really talking. But she does repeat simple words. And occationally she uses her words connected to things. And she continuously babbles, varying her intonation, and points on different things as to make it clear that she has firm views on specific topics. Lily was very slow in learning to walk but quick in language, Alice was quick with walking but is slow with words. She says "papa" clearly.
What else is new? Well apart from Jonas, we have had another Swedish visit, Andreas (grandson of mothers friend Dorrit) and his friend Madeleine, who are on a surfer vacation on Playa El Yaque. They came over to our place, for a curry, and on a subsequent very windy day we visited their beach, and were lucky to see the world champion in freestyle wind surfing showing off his tricks.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Va roligt att Alice pratar:) Saknar er! Måste ju berätta att jag fått jobb! På högstadiet i staffanstorp, det du! Kramar /Matilda

Anonym sa...

Jonas, du ser ju ut som en magnecyl. Är det mulet?