tisdag 4 september 2007


Montreux. The Swiss riviera. I do have a soft spot for towns by the sea climbing up the mountain, and Montreux is no exception. Small streets with odd shops climb up the hills - and around every other corner a spectacular mountain view opens up. The mountains sheltering Montreux offer views that are absolutely gobsmacking. Makes me want to yodel. We had lunch at an restaurant with a small patio specializing in Swiss-arabian food(!), during which we discussed the value of paying, say 500 Euro, for a Prada bag, which I personally find hard to grasp.
During our stroll by the casino and the lake we were suddenly met by hard gushes of wind. Looking up the mountain the rich and famous have built houses on mountain ridges and sometimes even by the cliffs. Aren' t they ever afraid that when they go out for a pee in the garden at night after a few pints they accidentally make a wrong step and fall down the mountain? I would be.

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

Well, people that have grown near the mountains they know how, I gues (^_^)