tisdag 9 oktober 2007

On the beach in Pampatar

Alright, yesterday we moved from our suite on the 6th floor to La Bufonera, a posada situated on the beach in Pampatar, about 10 km from Porlamar. The settings is very much classic carribbean dream, a soft, sandy beach, palmtrees shading a couple of beach restaurants serving fish that the fishermen in wooden boats catch at dawn. And we wake up in the morning overviewing the sea. Plus around 80 cable channels on a small TV. However, should one take away the beach and the sea one would notice that the room we live in has a kitchen and sanitary standard probably levelling the Abu Ghraib prison in Bagdad. Coming from the jaded luxury we experienced in Porlamar, it will take a while to adapt. Anyway, we plan to stay here for two weeks, and during that time make efforts in getting a more permanent place with more advanced facilities.
Some time ago the Chavez government inposed a fixation of prices of several goods. That has now resulted in several shortages of classic socialist style. The shops seldom have fresh milk. But prices are very cheap of most goods, food, living, taxis etcetera.
Anyway, Charles and Amber, the San Francisco couple we met on the boat from Trinidad and reconnected with in Cumana, have their own travel blog:
Check it out, and fat big ups to you both, Charles and Amber, I hope you´ll make it all the way throught the Amazonas without serious problems. Well keep checking yout blog!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Är nu hos Dorrit och vill veta om jag ska betala bilförsäkringen. Har läst din målande blogg o deltar i allt,lider av att tullgubbarna tog dollars . skönt att ni är friska.Säg till Lily o Alice att nu är Dannys röda äpplen mogna,jag skall gömma så att de får smaka. Jag är glad att få höra av er genom Dorrit.Hon ger sig tid med mig.Både Ingrid o Matilda är ju busy daytime.Stora kramar till Dig o Emily Mor

Frigyes sa...

Bilen ar avstalld sedan cirka en vecka och i den man forsakringen galler tid efter detta ska den inte betalas.
Vi har just hittat ett stalle dar vi kan bo mer permanent, fram 1 nov till 20 dec. Bewrattar mer pa bloggen sen.